
The Finance Department is responsible for a multitude of the City’s internal workings. It provides accounting, purchasing, payroll, billing, collection, debt management and cash management services for all City of Claremont departments. Additionally, it provides support services to the City Manager for the preparation of the annual operating budget. Central Collections, Human Resources, and Information Technology are all managed by this department.

The Finance Department assures the integrity of the City's resources by managing the fiscal, financial and information technology responsibilities of the City in order to support City officials and all municipal operations.  From preparing the budget to collecting revenue and reviewing expenses, Finance Department employees ensure that our City has the resources to serve our residents.

Finance Office

Address: 58 Opera House Square, Claremont, N.H. 03743-2677
Phone: 603-542-7001
Fax: 603-542-7014
Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 9:00 am-5:00 pm

Who Do I Call?

For A/P (vendor info): call 603-542-7001 x 0396
For Water/Sewer Billing Questions call: 603-542-7001 x 0397
For General questions on Taxes, Motor Vehicles, Dog Licenses,  etc.: call 603-542-7003