Applications & Permits

All the access to all the documents you need. All in one place. From permits to reports to applications, you'll find it all here.

For Building Permit Applications, Business License Applications, Citizen Inquiry Forms, and more, visit or click the link on the right side of this page.

Planning and Development

NH Licensed Risk Assessors List | Click here to open
Subdivision Approval Application | Click here to open
Variance Application | Click here to open
Conditional Use Permit Application | Click here to open
Truck Route Plan 2009 | Click here to open
2024 FEE SCHEDULE | Click here to open
Zoning Permit Application | Click here to open
Site Plan Approval Application | Click here to open
Certificate of Appropriateness Application | Click here to open
Equitable Waiver Application | Click here to open
Special Exception Application | Click here to open
Appeal of Administrative Decision | Click here to open
Social Media Policy | Click here to open
When Do I Need A Permit? | Click here to open
9 9 24 PB PN | Click here to open
Application to Serve on a Board or Committee | Click here to open
Administrative Waiver Application | Click here to open
Voluntary Lot Merger Application | Click here to open
Abutters List | Click here to open
Building Permits | Click here to open
Food Truck License | Food Truck Application
Business Licenses | Click here to open

Broadband Resources

Maximum Advertised Downstream | Click here to open
Maximum Advertised Upstream | Click here to open
DSL Service Availability | Click here to open


Resident Resources

RSA 79-E Supporting Documents

Solar Ordinance